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Onomastics of the mentioned praetorian prefects
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Inscriptions and praetorian prefects
Inscriptions containing legal acts sent to praetorian prefects
Inscriptions containing legal acts issued by praetorian prefects
- 34. Inscription relating to building works in Portus (Ostia) probably made by the praet. and urban prefect Ulpius Limenius
- 37. Inscription for the restoration of the Baths of Caracalla supervised by the former praet. prefect C. Ceionius Rufius Volusianus signo Lampadius
- 39. Inscription commemorating the restoration of the Castellum Aquae Claudiae in Rome by the former praet. prefect C. Ceionius Rufius Volusianus signo Lampadius
- 41. Inscription from Ostia (Rome) concerning the restoration of thirteen bridges by the former praet. prefect C. Ceionius Rufius Volusianus signo Lampadius
- 62. Fragmentary inscription in honour of the praet. prefect Probus from Trajan’s Forum in Rome
- 78. Fragmentary inscription in honour of the praet. prefect Praetextatus from the Roman Forum
- 94. Locum in the Flavian Amphitheatre in Roma reserved to the praet. prefect Virius Nicomachus Flavianus senior
- 96. Honorary inscription for an anonymous praet. prefect from the Roman Forum
- 98. Honorary inscription for an anonymous praet. prefect from Trajan’s Forum