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Onomastics of the mentioned praetorian prefects
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Inscriptions and praetorian prefects
Inscriptions containing legal acts sent to praetorian prefects
Inscriptions containing legal acts issued by praetorian prefects
- 01. Inscription in honour of Diocletian Aug. from Oescus by two praet. prefects Hannibalianus and Asclepiodotus
- 02. Inscription in honour of Constantius I Caes. from Brixia by two praet. prefects Asclepiodotus and Hermogenianus
- 03. Fragmentary inscription in honour of Maximianus Aug. from the Roman Forum by two praet. prefects
- 04. Inscription (1) in honour of Maxentius from the Roman Forum by his praet. prefect Rusticianus
- 05. Inscription (2) in honour of Maxentius from the Roman Forum by his praet. prefect Rusticianus
- 08. Inscription for Constantine and Licinius celebrating the reconstruction of Tropaeum Traiani supervised by the praet. prefects Petronius Annianus and Iulius Iulianus
- 09. Inscription in honour of Crispus Caes. from Ephesus by the praet. prefects Petronius Annianus and Iulius Iulianus
- 16. Building inscription of the Aïn Rchine arch under the supervision of five praet. prefects
- 17. Inscription in honour of Constantine II Caesar (in Latin) from Tubernuc by five praet. praefects (Antioch’s twin inscr.)
- 18. Inscription in honour of Constantine II Caesar (in Greek) from Antioch by five praet. praefects (Tubernuc’s twin inscr.)
- 22. Inscription in honour of Constans Aug. from Augusta Traiana by three praet. praefects
- 23. Two fragments of prefectural letters from Delphi to the Apollo’s priest Felicianus by three praet. prefects