PPRET Les Préfets du Prétoire de l’Empire Tardif


Pierfrancesco Porena (P.I.)


Professor Pierfrancesco Porena is currently Professor of Roman History and Latin Epigraphy in the Department of Studi Umanistici, University “Roma Tre” [website], where he teaches the “European Masters in Classical Cultures” [website]. He is also visiting Professor in several European Universities (École Normale Supérieure Paris, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales Paris). His research centres principally on the administration of the late Roman Empire (3rd-6th Centuries AD). Themes that he has pursued so far include the praetorian prefecture and its prosopography, the political and social context of Italy, the relationship between the administration and the cities and epigraphic production. His epigraphic studies pertain especially to late antique dignitaries and members of the senatorial order, together with the barbarian presence in the western half of the later Roman Empire [Academia.edu]. He has directed and participated in numerous Italian and international research projects (PRIN, EDR, École Française de Rome, Istituto Italiano per la Storia Antica, ERC Rhedis, etc.). Since 2020 he has been the Associate member of UMR 7044 “Archaeology and Ancient History: Mediterranean-Europe” (ARCHIMEDE), dir. prof. M. Humm, University of Strasbourg [website]. He was also awarded the Lauréat “Chaires Gutenberg 2019”, international prize by the “Cercle Gutenberg” (Strasbourg) for competitive research [website], and thus Principal Researcher of the PPRET Project “Les Préfets du prétoire de l’Empire tardif: une élite face à la crise / The Praetorian Prefects in the Later Roman Empire: an Elite in a Crisis Context”, project hosted by the UMR 7044.

Eleonora Angius


Dr Eleonora Angius obtained both a BA in Classics (2018) and an MA (2020) with honours in Philology, Literature and History of Antiquity at the University "Roma Tre". Her research focuses on late Roman Latin and Greek epigraphy with particular emphasis on the praetorian prefects from Diocletian to Constantius II (284-361 AD).

Andrea Bernier


Dr Andrea Bernier studied ancient history at the University of Parma, where he obtained an MA (2013) and a PhD (2017), submitting a thesis on the legislation of the emperor Valentinian I. In 2017/2018, he held a fellowship at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici Benedetto Croce (Napoli) and in 2020, he was granted a DAAD scholarship for research at the University of Tübingen. His research focuses on the administrative system of the later Roman empire with particular emphasis on the ancient law codes as sources for the history of 4th and 5th Centuries and the agrarian history of late and post-Roman Europe.

Giordana Franceschini


Dr Giordana Franceschini obtained a BA (2015) with distinction in Ancient and Christian Literature and an MA (2017) with distinction in Philology, Literatures and History of Antiquity at the University "Roma Tre". Her dissertation in Latin Epigraphy centered on trial documents, in particular on the title "Lis fullonum" (CIL VI, 226). She has also studied classical languages at the Scuola di Alta Formazione in Lingue Classiche dell'Istituto Italiano di Studi Classici in Rome (2017). Having obtained a diploma in Archivistics, Palaeography and Diplomatics at the State Archives of Rome (2019), she is currently a PhD student in “Greek and Roman Civilizations and Traditions” at the University "Roma Tre" (2019/2022); her thesis centers on the translation and the commentary of the third book of “De Magistratibus”by John Lydus.

Irene Vagionakis


Dr Irene Vagionakis graduated in Classics (BA, 2013) and Ancient History (MA, 2015) at the University of Bologna. She obtained her PhD at the University of Venice Ca’ Foscari (2020) with a thesis in Greek epigraphy / Digital epigraphy. Since 2014, she has been working on digital epigraphy projects, collaborating with AIO, Axon, EDV, GIO, IGCyr, IRCyr, IRT, MedCyprus. As of 2020, she has been a research fellow in Digital Humanities in the Department of History and Cultures of the University of Bologna.