PPRET Les Préfets du Prétoire de l’Empire Tardif


A) Inscriptions

The "Inscriptions" page displays the entries, listed in chronological order. Each Latin or Greek inscription is edited and analysed in each entry. It is identified by: a serial number, a title describing the content of the inscription, the name of the pretorian prefect(s) featured in the inscription, the occurrence of the inscription in the Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire (or if the inscription has been deeply revised or if it is a new source), the emperor(s) in power at the time the inscription was made, the date of the inscription.

From the "Inscriptions" page users can access the specific entry by clicking the number in the column on the left (N. PPRET).

Each entry is organized into 4 parts, consisting of 9 sections:


1st section: the number and title of the entry (on the right, the author of the entry), the connection with PLRE I, a list of the editions of the inscription, the links to the online editions, the name of the praetorian prefect(s) featured in the inscription, the date of the inscription.


2nd section: Provenance and location (find spots and places of preservation of the inscription) (further details, see below [*]).

3rd section: Type and material of the support and text layout: the type and material of the support, its possible re-use, the dimensions of the support, the dimensions of the letters, the epigraphic field, the writing technique, language, rhythm, and paleography of the inscription.

4th section: Inscription category.


5th section: Latin or Greek text of the inscription, with critical apparatus.

6th section: Translation of the inscription into English, French, and Italian.

7th section: The inscription and its prefects: critical commentary, updating, overviews. This section contains a critical commentary with updates concerning the inscription and the praetorian prefect(s). It deals with all aspects of the inscription, from its history and type, to its support and textual content, along with the profile of the prefect (chronological and administrative problems, career, relations with the emperors, specific matters, etc.).

8th section: Bibliography cited in the entry.


9th section: Praetorian prefects and epigraphic habit: this presents a brief summary of the data provided by the inscription with regard to the praetorian prefect, his appointment and the type and function of the inscription itself.

[*] Some remarks on the 2nd section - Provenance and location:

- ‘Province’: the term ‘Urbs’ refers to the urban area under the control of the prefect of Rome (praef. Urbi), distinguishing it from the surrounding provinces of Campania, Flaminia et Picenum and Tuscia et Umbria which were all administered by provincial governors.

- ‘Regional prefecture’: the expression ‘not regional before 326 AD’ indicates that in our opinion the praetorian prefecture became regional only from 326 AD onwards, as a result of Constantine I’s administrative reform. Furthermore, the praetorian prefecture of ‘Italia Illyricum Africa’ had different administrative boundaries during the 4th Century. For simplicity we always refer to it as ‘Italia Illyricum Africa’, but in our opinion it was enlarged and reduced in the following way: 326-337 AD: Italia, Illyricum, Africa = three autonomous and distinct prefectures (perhaps Italia and Africa united at the beginning of 337 AD); 337-344 AD = one single prefecture of Italia, Illyricum, Africa united; 344-361 AD = one prefecture of Italia and Africa united, one autonomous prefecture of Illyricum; 361-376 = one single prefecture of Italia, Illyricum, Africa united; 376 AD ff. = one prefecture of Italia and Africa, one autonomous prefecture of Illyricum.

B) Search

The search page is organized into two vertical columns: the left column contains the search parameters; the right column provides the search results.

The left column has the following sections:

      Text search: this section allows textual searches in the complete PPRET Inscriptions database (including translations, commentaries, etc.), or searches in the Latin or Greek texts of inscriptions only.
      Date: this section allows users to search PPRET Inscriptions entries within chronological ranges.
      Filters: this section allows users to search PPRET Inscriptions entries according to the identifying section of the inscription and the praetorian prefect, the material structure of the inscription and its ancient and modern location, or the correlation between the inscription and the praetorian prefects who are cited.

Filters can be combined with the parameters selected in the other sections to further refine a search. When one or more filters have been selected, the indication ‘Current filters’ appears in the left column above ‘Filters’: the selection can be deactivated by clicking on the (x) to proceed to a new search.

The right column, ‘Results’, shows the list of entries found via the search: to see the individual entry, users must select it in this column, by clicking on the entry-title. We suggest that users open the results in a new page to leave the Search page active. In the Search page, if no filter has yet been selected, then the list will include all the PPRET Inscription entries in numerical/chronological order.

Text search section

If users want to perform a specific textual search (both in the ancient texts and in the other parts of the editions, namely the metadata, translations, commentary, and bibliography), they can type their text in the ‘Text search’ box and then click ‘Enter’. PPRET Inscriptions entries mentioning the word(s) searched for (ancient name, modern author, place, source, date, etc.) will be listed as results in the right column. In each entry, the word that has been researched will be highlighted in red. Text searches are not case-sensitive.

By selecting the option ‘Search only in the inscription text’, users will restrict the search to the Latin or Greek text of the inscriptions. The search ignores epigraphic conventions (such as round and square brackets).

Users can use the * wildcard to search for segments of words: for example, a search for nobilita* will return nobilitas, nobilitatis, nobilitate, and so on.

If the search includes several consecutive words, you should surround them with double quotation marks (" "): for example, to search for viro followed by clarissimo, you should type "viro clarissimo". Attention: when you perform a precise search for a sequence of several words, you cannot use the wildcard *.

If the search includes several consecutive words, users should surround them with double quotation marks (" "): for example, to search for viro followed by clarissimo, one should type "viro clarissimo". If the double quotation marks (" ") are not inserted, then the search will furnish all the inscriptions (i.e. entries) in which at least one of the researched words appears. N.B., when users perform a precise search for a sequence of several words, the wildcard * cannot be used.

If the search includes several non-consecutive words, users should type the Boolean search AND between the words they wish to search (which in this case must not be placed within double quotation marks " "), so that the list of results will list the inscriptions (i.e. entries) in which all the typed words are cited: for example, typing viro AND clarissimo will produce a list of inscriptions (i.e. entries) in which both terms appear.

Typing viro clarissimo (or viro OR clarissimo) will provide a list of inscriptions (i.e. entries) in which at least one of the researched words appears.

To search and type Greek words users can use the virtual keyboard that appears under the search box by pressing 'Greek keyboard'. In the lower right corner of the keyboard users will also find the wildcard *, double quotation marks " and the Delete key ⇐. To hide the keyboard, one has to click 'Greek keyboard' again. To reset the search, click 'Reset search'.

N.B., the following two sections 'Date' and 'Filters' allow users to select and employ several search filters (even simultaneously), which refines the search. If one or more filters from these sections are selected and active, 'Current filters' appears above the 'Filters' section. Should one wish to remove specific search filters that have been selected, click on the (x) to the right of the corresponding filter in the 'Current filters' section (or click 'Reset search' to remove all filters).

Date section

To select the PPRET entries within a short or long chronological range from 284 to 450 AD (from one year to 166 years) move the cursors on the left and right sides of the horizontal bar. In the right column the list of the entries included in the selected chronological period will appear. Once a time frame has been selected, all other filters in the ‘Search page’ will limit their results to entries within the selected time frame. To reset a search, click 'Reset search'.

Filters section

This section allows users to set the search parameters for obtaining information concerning all aspects of the inscriptions analysed in the database. To view the list of all possible values for each filter, click the filter name; to hide it, click the filter name a second time. The column on the right shows the list of the results of your search.


Prefect name: selecting this drop-down menu will provide the user with an alphabetical list of the names of the praetorian prefect 'holders' within a PPRET Inscriptions entry. The number within brackets shows how many entries exist for each praetorian prefect.

Prefect gentilicium: selecting this drop-down menu will provide the user with the alphabetical list of all the gentilicia of the praetorian prefect 'holders' within a PPRET Inscriptions entry.

Prefect cognomen: selecting this drop-down menu will provide the user with the alphabetical list of all the cognomina of the praetorian prefect 'holders' within a PPRET Inscriptions entry.

Prefect signum: selecting this drop-down menu will provide the user with the alphabetical list of all the signa of the praetorian prefect 'holders' within a PPRET Inscriptions entry.


Edition: selecting this drop-down menu will provide the user with the full alphabetically ordered list of abbreviations of corpora, syllogies, journals, or the alphabetically ordered author's last name for monographs and papers containing an edition or a re-edition of an inscription published in PPRET Inscriptions. The list is a comprehensive index of all the editions of the inscriptions pertaining to the praetorian prefects of the years 284-395 AD that have been examined in the database.

PLRE: selecting this drop-down menu will provide users with access to three entries:

      PLRE I denotes inscriptions already lemmatized in the Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire vol. I (1971);
      NEW denotes inscriptions unknown to the Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire vol. I (1971);
      REV denotes inscriptions known to the Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire vol. I (1971), but substantially re-examined or revised.


Emperors and their prefects: selecting specific time frames will provide users with a list of inscriptions pertaining to the corresponding time frame, which matches the years of the following reigns:

      1. Diocletian and the Tetrarchy (284-305 AD)
      2. Crisis of the Tetrarchic system (306-312 AD)
      3. Constantine and Licinius AA. (313-324 AD)
      4. Constantine sole A. (324-337 AD)
      5. Constantine’s sons (337-361 AD)
      6. Julian A. (361-363 AD)
      7. Valentinian I and Valens AA. (364-378 AD)
      8. Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I <Maximus, Eugenius> AAA. (379-395 AD)
      9. IV / V Century AD

The number of the PPRET inscriptions entries included in each time-frame will be placed in brackets.

Dated inscriptions: selecting a date will produce all the PPRET Inscriptions entries for that specific year. The number of PPRET inscriptions entries included in each time-frame will be placed in brackets.


Findspot: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce the list of places in which the inscriptions were found.

Ancient city: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce a list of ancient places from where the inscriptions originally came.

Modern city: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce a list of the modern places from where the inscriptions originally came.

Province: Province: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce the list of the provinces from which the inscriptions came. Concerning the urban area under the control of the prefect of Rome, see above [*].

Diocese: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce a list of the civil dioceses from where the inscriptions came.

Regional prefecture: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce a list of the regional praetorian prefectures from where the inscriptions came. Concerning the establishment, number and boundaries of the praetorian prefectures of Italia Illyricum Africa, see above [*].

Ancient location: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce a list of places, both public or private, in which the inscription was originally located.

Current location: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce a list of modern locations in which the inscription is currently exhibited or stored.


Text category: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce a list of the inscription categories.

Monument type: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce the list of inscribed monument types.

Material: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce the list of materials used to construct the monument / epigraphic support.

Technique: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce the list of epigraphic writing techniques.

Epigraphic field preservation: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce a list of the preservation status of the epigraphic field.

Inscribed field reuse: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce the list of inscribed field re-use types, i.e., non-re-used fields (No), re-used fields (Yes), or inscriptions for which there is no certain information about the re-use of the inscribed field.

Monument reuse: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce the list of options concerning the monument's re-use, i.e., non-re-used support (No), re-used support (Yes), or inscriptions for which there is no certain information about the re-use of the support.

Opistographic: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce the list of options concerning how many sides of the monument have been inscribed, i.e., inscriptions inscribed on two sides of the support (Yes), inscriptions inscribed on one side only (No), or inscriptions for which there is no certain information about the inscribed sides.

Palaeography: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce the list of the epigraphical writing styles.

Language: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce the list of inscriptions in Latin or Greek.

Rhythm: selecting this from the drop-down menu will produce the list of inscriptions in prose or in poetry.


Number of praetorian prefects: selecting this from the drop-down menu will allow users to sort the inscriptions according to the number of praetorian prefects who were in office and how they were related to the monument.

Inscriptions in honour of praetorian prefects: selecting this from the drop-down menu will allow users to sort the inscriptions honoring a living or deceased praetorian prefect, inscriptions carved during or after his prefecture, inscriptions honouring a prefect affected by damnatio or rehabilitated, along with the reasons behind the dedication and the panegyric formulas.

Awarder of monuments to praetorian prefects: selecting this from the drop-down menu will allow users to sort the inscriptions by awarder: their clients / cities under their administration / city senates (ordo / βουλῆ); provinces (concilia / κοινά); collegia and guilds; individuals; emperors; family members).

Epitaph of a praetorian prefect: selecting this from the drop-down menu allows users to sort the funerary inscriptions commemorating a praetorian prefect.

Inscriptions Identifying a property of a praetorian prefect: selecting this from the drop-down menu will allow users to sort inscriptions mentioning the properties of a praetorian prefect.

Inscription containing legal acts sent to praetorian prefects: selecting this from the drop-down menu will allow users to sort the inscriptions featuring imperial constitutions etc. addressed to a prefect.

Inscription containing legal acts issued by praetorian prefects: selecting this from the drop-down menu will allow users to sort the inscriptions featuring edicts or letters issued by the praetorian prefects.

Inscribed monuments made by the praetorian prefects: selecting this from the drop-down menu will allow users to sort the following types of inscriptions: inscriptions to Augusti/Caesars made by a single prefect or by all praetorian prefects; inscriptions in which the awardee was a praetorian prefect affected by damnatio (erased) or officially rehabilitated; constructions/restorations of civil, military, religious buildings; other categories of public, private, religious inscriptions made by praetorian prefects.

The praetorian prefecture in inscriptions: selecting this from the drop-down menu will allow users to sort the inscriptions according to the specific data concerning the praetorian prefecture, i.e., the office:

      - inscriptions with the full or partial cursus honorum or without cursus honorum of the prefect;
      - inscriptions recording more than one appointment as praetorian prefect, or the total duration of one, several, or all mandates as prefect;
      - inscriptions recording the current or just completed prefecture only;
      - inscriptions mentioning or not mentioning the regional area of the prefecture;
      - inscriptions recording the number of the prefectures attained by the dignitary without mentioning the regional area of the prefecture;
      - inscriptions recording the number of prefectures attained and the regional area of the prefecture;
      - inscriptions recording the geographical origin of the prefect.

The rank of the praetorian prefects: selecting this from the drop-down menu will allow users to obtain a list of the ranks of the prefect(s), in Latin and Greek, as they appear in the epigraphic text of each inscription.

Latin or Greek titulature of the office: selecting this from the drop-down menu will allow users to obtain a list of titulatures of the praetorian prefect’s office, in Latin and Greek, as they appear in the epigraphic text of each inscription.


Source mentioned in the commentary: by selecting one of the three options on the drop-down menu (literary, epigraphic, papyrological sources) users can obtain a list of the literary and normative, epigraphic, papyrological sources (in alphabetical order of abbreviation) quoted in the commentary to the inscriptions. By selecting the entry of the inscription (right column) users can find the source abbreviation in the commentary (e.g. the "Find on page" option facilitates the search). The three lists constitute a general index of the sources cited in the commentaries of the inscriptions.